Welcome back to our list of top 10 Digital media influencers. These individuals have their own share in shaping the digital marketing landscape globally. Check out their social links to get a glimpse of what they are up to these days.
I have also added a table at the end of this post with the Twitter profile comparison of these 10 influencers. Click here to directly go to the table.
The table data was provided by FollowersAnalysis, a sister site of TrackMyHashtag. Thanks to them!
Enjoy the good read!
1. Guy Sheetrit
- Domain: Digital Marketing
- Twitter: twitter.com/overthetopseo
- Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/in/overthetopseo/
- Facebook: www.facebook.com/guysheetrit
- Website: overthetopseo.com
- Introduction: Guy Sheetrit is the founder and CEO of Over The Top SEO LTD. He is also the founder of scanw.com. He develops unique and advanced marketing techniques for his clients. He specializes in SEO, online reputation marketing and lead generation.
2. Andie Katschthaler
- Domain: Digital Marketing
- Twitter: twitter.com/thegrumpygirl
- Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/in/andiekatschthaler/
- Facebook: NA
- Website: www.katschthaler.com
- Introduction: Andie Katschthaler is the founder of Grumpy Girl Communications. As an expert communications consultant she helps startups to bridge the gap between the product adthe consumer. She specializes in startup consultation and as a copywriter.
3. Lauren Dugan
- Domain: Digital Marketing
- Twitter: twitter.com/lauren_dugan
- Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/in/laurendugan/
- Facebook: NA
- Website: www.laurendugan.com
- Introduction: Lauren Dugan is the Co-Founder at Insightful Agency. She develops content for B2B companies to engage with their target audience. She specializes in content creation, content marketing, social media strategy, web-based research and content management systems.
4. MaAnna Stephenson
- Domain: Digital Marketing
- Twitter: twitter.com/BlogAid
- Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/in/maannastephenson/
- Facebook: www.facebook.com/people/MaAnna-Stephenson/1528727089
- Website: www.blogaid.net
- Introduction: MaAnna Stephenson is the owner of BlogAid. She provides consulting services in online marketing to create a Web presence that gets noticed by readers and search engines. She specializes in WordPress, SEO, content creation, conversion rates and security.
5. Kara Swisher
- Domain: Digital Marketing
- Twitter: twitter.com/karaswisher
- Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/in/kara-swisher-b7213/
- Facebook: www.facebook.com/KaraSwisher
- Website: www.vox.com/recode
- Introduction: Kara Swisher is the Co-founder and Co-Executive Editor at Recode. She has co-hosted and co-produced The Wall Street Journal’s “All Things Digital”. She specializes in news about the Web’s major players and Internet Policy issues
6. Jesse Mckinley
- Domain: Digital Marketing
- Twitter: twitter.com/jessemckinley
- Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/in/jesse-mckinley-865a963/
- Facebook: www.facebook.com/search/top/?q=Jesse%20Mckinley
- Website: www.nytimes.com/by/jesse-mckinley
- Introduction: Jesse Mckinley is currently the Albany Bureau Chief at New Your Times. He is well-known for his work as an investigative journalist on political issues and the war against drug cartels.
7. Sam Hurley
- Domain: Digital Marketing
- Twitter: twitter.com/sam___hurley
- Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/in/hurleysam/
- Facebook: NA
- Website: www.optim-eyez.co.uk
- Introduction: Sam Hurley is currently the Managing Director at Optim-Eyez. He organizes revenue growth campaigns for his clients. He specializes in developing digital marketing strategies, organic visibility, PPC, social media strategies and inbound marketing techniques.
8. Carles Bonfill
- Domain: Digital Marketing
- Twitter: twitter.com/carles
- Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/in/carlesbonfill/
- Facebook: NA
- Website: www.easypromosapp.com
- Introduction: Carles Bonfill is the Founder and CEO of EasyPromos. He manages integral projects for web application in Internet for his clients. He specializes in social networking, web application promotion, project management and perimetral security.
9. Daniel Nations
- Domain: Digital Marketing
- Twitter: twitter.com/danielnations
- Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/in/danielnations/
- Facebook: NA
- Website: www.nations-software.info
- Introduction: Daniel Nations is the owner of Nations Software. He develops apps for IOS and Android platforms. As a writer, he also writes tutorials, reviews and news about Apple products.
10. Nirodha Abayalath
- Domain: Digital Marketing
- Twitter: twitter.com/iNirodha
- Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/in/inirodha/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nabayalath
- Website: NA
- Introduction: Nirodha Abayalath operates as a pro social media strategist for his clients. He develops social media marketing strategies for his clients to increase engagement from the targeted audience. He specializes in social media marketing (SMM), e-mail marketing, e-mail handling, CRM and lead generation.
Twitter profile overview of the influencers
This table categorically compares the Twitter profile of the influencers. You can get a brief idea about how active they are on Twitter. Statistics such as tweet reply percentage provide us with an idea of their activeness on Twitter.
Have a glance!
Influencers | Followers Count | Original Tweets | Replies Count | Av. Retweets Per Tweet | Av. Tweets Per Day | Domain |
Guy Sheetrit Twitter Profile | 4,250 | 1260 (97.67%) | 8 (0.62%) | 0.50 | 0.67 | Digital Marketing |
Andie Katschthaler Twitter Profile | 1,200 | 689 (21.53%) | 2084 (65.13%) | 0.15 | 3,63 | Digital Marketing |
Lauren Dugan Twitter Profile | 3,690 | 2257 (70.53%) | 596 (18.63%) | 0.32 | 1.26 | Digital Marketing |
MaAnna Stephenson Twitter Profile | 8,130 | 3145 (98.28%) | 47 (1.47%) | 0.17 | 2.41 | Digital Marketing |
Kara Swisher Twitter Profile | 1,330,000 | 834 (26.06%) | 1565 (48.91%) | 37.17 | 10.17 | Digital Marketing |
Jesse McKinley Twitter Profile | 10,430 | 2357 (73.66%) | 115 (3.59%) | 6.74 | 4.29 | Digital Marketing |
Sam Hurley Twitter Profile | 121,100 | 2502 (78.19%) | 659 (20.59%) | 2.03 | 25.27 | Digital Marketing |
Carles Bonfill Twitter Profile | 1,200 | 533 (28.64%) | 276 (14.83%) | 0.54 | 0.11 | Digital Marketing |
Daniel Nations Twitter Profile | 767 | 2671 (83.47%) | 378 (11.81%) | 0.04 | 0.72 | Digital Marketing |
Nirodha Abayalath Twitter Profile | 125,970 | 2264 (70.84%) | 133 (4.16%) | 0.29 | 1.96 | Digital Marketing |
This marks the end of this weeks article. We will be back with a new list next Monday. Do let us know in the comments which influencer do you follow and like the most amongst these 10 or the many others out there on Digital web.
Till then, stay tuned!
Shivam is a capable substance essayist who enthusiastically makes enlightening and intriguing articles. Shivam has a curious psyche and a hunger for learning. Shivam is a reality lover who loves to uncover captivating realities from a large number of subjects. He solidly accepts that learning is a deep-rooted excursion and he is continually looking for valuable chances to expand his insight and find new realities. So make a point to look at Shivam’s work for a brilliant perusing.