Twitter provides access to its public data through its API (Application Programming Interface), which allows developers to retrieve tweets and other information from the platform. You can find more Twitter datasets by searching online, and many of them are available for free.
Twitter has set itself apart as a direct communication medium to a very large audience. Tweets are precise and convey the message in a snappy manner and this has led to Twitter becoming so popular that it is now influencing global landscapes. In this post, we are going to discuss the reliable sources to acquire free Twitter datasets.
Download any required Twitter dataset using Trackmyhashtag:
It’s really easy to download or get access to Twitter datasets of any search term or criteria, just follow these simple steps :
- To get custom Twitter datasets, you need to fill request historical Twitter datasets form.
- Fill out the form with your email address, search term, select the date ranges and submit.
- Once you have submitted the form, our team will get back to you with the pricing and dataset specifications.
After a while, you’ll receive your Twitter dataset and details associated with it.
Twitter data sets can be effectively utilized in the areas of academic research, social projects, and studying marketing methodologies. I have compiled archives of various free Twitter datasets accumulated from various sources which can be very effective for someone looking for a reliable source of Twitter data sets.
I have also mentioned a method to get specific historical Twitter data of any kind, but before that, let’s discuss all the reliable sources to download free Twitter datasets.
Check out all these sources to get free Twitter datasets for research purposes or analysis:
1. TrackMyHashtag
Type- Corona Virus (Covid-19) Tweet Metadata Compilation 2020
Link- www.trackmyhashtag.com/data/COVID-19.zip
The Twitter Dataset comprises 60K random tweets from public Twitter accounts related to the search term “Covid-19”. The dataset was amassed using Twitter’s Stream API over a period of 8 weeks (1st Dec 2019 – 28 Jan 2020). The dataset is available in Excel/CSV format and is segmented into 3 fields, namely tweet data, images, and videos.
2. Arxiv
Type: VoterFraud 2020 dataset
Link: https://arxiv.org/abs/2101.08210
The dataset was accumulated to analyze rumors surrounding the 2020 election voter fraud. The dataset contains 7.6 million original tweets and 25.6 million retweets from 2.6 million unique users related to voter fraud claims.
3. Arxiv
Type: COVID-19 tweets
Link: https://arxiv.org/abs/2003.07372
The Twitter dataset contains tweets related to COVID-19. The dataset has been continuously collected since January 22, 2020. It dataset was accumulated for research purposes (the study of online conversation dynamics in the context of a planetary-scale epidemic outbreak).
4. Dataport
Type: Corona-virus tweets
Link: https://ieee-dataport.org/open-access/coronavirus-covid-19-tweets-dataset
The dataset contains over 433+ million tweets collected by an ongoing project deployed https://live.rlamsal.com.np. The model monitors real-time Twitter feeds for Corona-virus related tweets using 90+ keywords and hashtags.
5. Archive.org
Type: 2016 presidential election
Link: https://archive.org/details/twitter-ira
This dataset was released by Twitter on October 17, 2018, to provide transparency to state-sponsored propaganda that was alleged to have occurred on the platform in the lead up to and directly following the 2016 presidential election.
6. Zendo
Type- COVID-19 150 million tweets
Link- www.zenodo.org/record/3738018#.Xor4vC-cYfQ
The Twitter dataset was collected through the stream and includes tweet metadata from all languages. The prevailing languages include English, Spanish, And French. The dataset includes tweets and retweets (152,920,832 tweets) in a .tsv file. The link also includes a cleaned dataset with no retweets (30,990,645 unique tweets) in a .tsv file format.
7. Archive.org
Type- Miscellaneous research data (2013-2018).
Link- www.archive.org/details/twitterstream
This is a collection of free Twitter datasets gathered through the stream for sentiment analysis, research, history, testing, and data retention. We can go through loads of data in this archive and purposefully select the stream we need. These archives have loads of data that can be sorted and used as needed. The Twitter datasets available here can be downloaded for free.
8. Data.world
Type- MNCs’ Twitter accounts and influential people.
Link- www.data.world/datasets/twitter
Data.world is a free Twitter dataset repository. Users can find datasets ranging from companies to influential individuals. We can simply head over to the website and browse through their collection of Twitter datasets.
9. Github
Type- Russian troll tweets to celebrity accounts.
Like all things on Github, this is a free data repository. The Twitter datasets range from Elon musk Tweets to Russian troll tweets. Users can simply head over to the mentioned URL and browse through their vast collection of Twitter datasets.
10. Kaggle
Type- Scientific research data.
Kaggle is a free online repository for sharing codes, scientific data, and Twitter datasets as well. There is a huge collection of Twitter datasets submitted by users that are available to download for free. The data ranges from environmental studies to tweets from demonetization in India.
Type- Academic research data.
ICWSM is a data-sharing initiative that has a vast collection of Twitter datasets. The collection is free to download, the users only have to register on the website and sign a disclosure under which he/she agrees not to share the report. These data sets can be extremely beneficial in the field of academic research.
12. ISI.edu
Type- Old Twitter data from October 2010.
This dataset contains tweets that were posted on Twitter in October 2010. Although quite old, this might still be relevant to data minors and academicians. Just click on the link to download the dataset
13. Trec.nist.gov
Type- Sample of 16 million unfiltered tweets.
This archive consists of approximately 16 million tweets sampled between January 23rd to February 8th. This is an unfiltered archive and consists of important and spam tweets. The user just needs to sign a disclosure agreeing not to use the data for commercial purposes and after that, you can download the archive right away.
14. Kdnuggets
Type- Miscellaneous.
Kdnuggets is a multi-centric portal that provides information on jobs, relevant courses, webinars, and free downloadable Twitter datasets as well. You can go directly to the link provided and browse through their collection of datasets.
15. Github troll tweets
Type- Russian troll tweets.
This Github archive provides a large dataset of Russian troll tweets. All the datasets are readily downloadable in CSV format.
16. Github scraped public tweets
Type- Miscellaneous public tweets.
This Twitter dataset is a collection of scraped public Twitter updates used in coordination with an academic project to study the geolocation data related to the tweets.
17. Mega.NZ Reddit data set
Type- Reddit comments data set.
This is the dataset of entire Reddit’s publicly available comments which can be used for massive analytical research. The file size is about 250 GB compressed and over 1 TB uncompressed. The link provided is of the torrent file which can be easily downloaded using a torrent client.
18. Kaggle customer support data sets
Type- Customer support tweets.
This dataset consists of over 3 Million tweets by customer support of various big brands and companies. This can be used in understanding conversational models, and for the study of modern customer support practices and impact.
19. Academic torrents
Type- URL’s posted on Twitter in October 2010.
This dataset consists of URLs that were posted on Twitter in October 2010. The link will take you to the Torrent file which can be easily downloaded through a torrent client.
20. Sentiment140
Type- Tweet sentiment analysis data.
Sentiment140 allows you to discover the sentiment of a brand, product, or topic on Twitter. It filters through the tweets by understanding the negativity or positivity of the tweet or comment by analyzing emoticons.
21. Docnow
Type- Miscellaneous.
Docnow provides catalogs of Twitter datasets that are publicly available on the web. If you would like to turn these tweet identifier data back into the original JSON format then first download the data sets and then use the Hydrator desktop application, or Twarc if you are comfortable working at the command line.
22. Harvard dataverse
Type- USA presidential election tweets.
This Twitter dataset contains the tweet ids of approximately 280 million tweets related to the 2016 United States presidential election. They were collected between July 13, 2016, and November 10, 2016, from the Twitter API using Social Feed Manager.
23. Dfreelon
Type- Miscellaneous.
Link- www.dfreelon.org/2017/01/03/beyond-the-hashtags-twitter-data/
This Twitter dataset contains all 40,815,975 tweets matching at least one of the following 45 keywords that were posted between June 1, 2014, and May 31, 2015, and had not been deleted or protected as of July 2015. Head over to the link to find the list of the 45 keywords and download the data.
Type- Miscellaneous Twitter Retweets
Link- twitter.mpi-sws.org
The dataset contains user-to-user links from Twitter and different retweeting variations (RT, via, retweeting, retweet, HT, R/T, and the recycling symbol) per day. The data was accumulated to conduct a study aimed at visualizing the media landscape, discovering topic authorities, crowd-sourced opinions, identifying topical content, and characterizing information trade on Twitter.
25. Sentiment140
Type- Miscellaneous public tweets
Link- help.sentiment140.com/for-students
The data consists of tweets of Twitter users. Its file is available in ExcelCSV format and is divided into six fields (tweet id, date of the tweet, popularity of the tweet, the query (LyX), the user that tweeted and, the text of the tweet).
26. Thinknook
Type- Miscellaneous Tweets
Link- thinknook.com/twitter-sentiment-analysis-training-corpus-dataset-2012-09-22/
The Twitter dataset contains 1,578,627 tweets from public Twitter profiles, amassed to perform a Twitter sentiment analysis by the University of Michigan.
Type- Miscellaneous public tweets
Link- ieee-dataport.org/comment/221#comment-221
The link provides various Twitter datasets collected by the LSTM model to perform sentiment analysis. The data is available in .db files and are SQLite files. The .db files contain three columns. First: date and time, second: tweet, and third: sentiment score for the tweet.
28. Pushshift.io
Type- Kavanaugh Twitter Dataset
Link- www.pushshift.io/kavanaugh-twitter-dataset/
This Twitter dataset was collected using the Twitter API over 3 weeks (Sept-22 to Oct 9, 2018). The dataset contains a total of 56 million tweets from 3.2 million unique accounts. The following keywords were tracked for this Twitter data: #Kavanaugh, “Supreme Court”, #KavanaughHearings, #KavanaughNomination.
29. GitHub
Type- Movie Rating Tweets
Link- www.github.com/sidooms/MovieTweetings
This is a Twitter dataset consisting of ratings on movies contained in well-structured Tweets on Twitter. Daily, the Twitter API is queried for the term “I rated #IMDB”. Through a series of regular expressions, relevant information such as user, movie, and rating is extracted. The ratings are then cross-referenced with the IMDB page to provide the genre metadata.
30. Zenodo.org
Type- 2017 German Elections Raw Tweet Data
Link- www.zenodo.org/record/835735#.XnBrPS2B0cS
The Twitter dataset contains Twitter interactions related to German politicians of influential political parties for several months in the pre-phase of the German election campaigns 2017. The dataset comprises raw data of more than 120,000 active users generating more than 1,200,000 tweets.
31. Zenodo
Type- Dataset to Detect Hazardous Events in Rome
Link- https://zenodo.org/record
276865 tweets are used in this dataset, and they were retrieved from the Twitter stream from May 2018 to May 2019. Each one is identified by the ID which helps to pull the tweet out of the stream and get information about the text content, GPS information (if it is available), location, and time. The label for each tweet in the collection comes after the event detection phase is complete. The Baths of Diocletian Twitter account must tweet all-important or potentially hazardous information on the incident in Rome.
32. Archive.org
Type- General Twitter Stream
Link- www.archive.org/search.php?query=twitterstream&sort=-publicdate
The link provides various collections of Twitter datasets in JSON format accumulated from general Twitter streams. The data was collected for research, history, testing, and memory.
33. Data.world
Type- Gender Classifier Data
Link- www.data.world/crowdflower/gender-classifier-data
The Twitter dataset was used to train a CrowdFlower AI gender predictor. The dataset contains 20,000 rows, each with a user name, a random tweet, account profile and image, location, and even link and sidebar color.
34. Archive.org
Type: General Twitter stream
Link: https://archive.org/details/archiveteam-twitter-stream-2019-02
The archive is a simple collection of tweets in JSON format accumulated from a general Twitter stream. The Twitter dataset was amassed for research, history, testing, and memory.
35. Kaggle
Type: US airlines
Link: https://www.kaggle.com/crowdflower/twitter-airline-sentiment
The Twitter dataset is an accumulation of tweets related to every major US airline from February 2015. The tweets were amassed to perform sentiment analysis, contributors were asked to classify positive, negative, and neutral tweets followed by categorizing negative reasons.
36. T4SA
Type: Image sentiment analysis
Link: http://www.t4sa.it
This Twitter dataset is an accumulation of tweets and related images to perform a study on cross-media learning for image sentiment analysis. The data collection process started in July and ended in December 2016.
37. Kaggle
Type: Hate speech classification
Link: https://www.kaggle.com/arkhoshghalb/twitter-sentiment-analysis-hatred-speech
The Twitter dataset was accumulated to detect hate speech in tweets. The study aimed at creating training data for classifying racist, sexist, or any kind of hate speech.
38. Data.world
Type: Apple INC
Link: https://data.world/crowdflower/apple-twitter-sentiment
The data set is a compilation of tweets related to Apple INC. It was accumulated to analyze the sentiments of users surrounding Apple INC.
39. Data.world
Type: Collection of datasets
Link: https://data.world/datasets/twitter
The dataset is a collection of 87 different Twitter datasets. The datasets include tweets from Elon Musk, Donald Trump, the First GOP debate, and more.
40. Open Source Twitter Data
Type: Collection of datasets
Link: https://awesomeopensource.com/project/shaypal5/awesome-twitter-data
A list of Twitter datasets and related resources released by creativecommas.org.
41. Digital Library
Type: Democratic National Convention Philadelphia Tweets 2016
Link: https://digital.library.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metadc993944/
The dataset comprises tweets related to the 2016 Democratic National Convention Philadelphia and contains over 15 thousand tweets.
42. Word Mapper
Type: US geocoded tweets
Link: https://sites.google.com/site/wordmapperinfo/
The Twitter dataset contains over 890 million geocoded tweets collected from across the contiguous United States between 11 October 2013 and 22 November 2014.
43. GitHub
Type: FIFA World Cup Tweets
Link: https://github.com/openfootball/world-cup
The dataset contains tweets related to the FIFA World Cup Qualifiers in Brazil 2014 and Russia 2018.
44. Digital Library Repository
Type: 2018 Texas Debate Twitter Dataset
Link: https://digital.library.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metadc1259409/
The Twitter dataset is a compilation of tweets related to the United States Senate race between Beto O’Rourke and Ted Cruz. The dataset contains tweets captured around the first debate on September 21, 2018.
45. Kaggle
Type: Corona Virus Dataset
Link: https://www.kaggle.com/smid80/coronavirus-covid19-tweets
The dataset is an accumulation of tweets specific to the worldwide Corona Virus pandemic hashtags (#coronavirus, #covid19, and more). The tweets collected are from March and April.
46. Zendo
Type: COVID-19 Twitter chatter dataset
Link: https://zenodo.org/record/4065674#.X32FkS8Rqvg
The dataset contains COVID-19 tweets from January 27th and is frequently updated. The dataset contains tweets from all languages but the prevailing languages are English, Spanish, and French. It includes over 728,212,033 unique tweets. It also has a cleaned version of the dataset with 174,949,501 unique tweets.
47. HDX
Type: COVID-19 Geo-tagged tweets
Link: https://data.humdata.org/dataset/covid-19-twitter-data-geographic-distribution?force_layout=desktop
This Twitter dataset contains worldwide COVID-19 geotagged tweets. The files contain the distribution of tweets collected for the AIDR system, which comes with the geo-coordinated from Twitter.
48. Dataverse
Type: Corona Virus Tweet Ids
Link: https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/LW0BTB
This dataset contains the tweet ids of 239,861,658 tweets related to the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic. The tweets were collected from March 3, 2020 – June 9 2020 using the Twitter API.
49. Data.World
Type: COVID-19 Twitter sentiment analysis
Link: https://data.world/kungfuaiteam/coronavirus-twitter-analysis
This dataset is an accumulation of 19.95 million tweets related to the Corona Virus outbreak. The dataset was gathered to perform a Twitter sentiment analysis to identify patterns of disinformation and unusual propagation of content on Twitter.
Type: COVID-19 tweets
Link: https://www.openicpsr.org/openicpsr/project/120321/version/V5/view;jsessionid=8FDAB27BEFF4C9D3E377E555ED0E43D5
The dataset contains tweets related to conversations on the COVID-19 pandemic on Twitter. The dataset was amassed to perform a sentiment analysis and analyze the emotions of the users.
51. Dataverse
Type: COVID dataset
Link: https://dataverse.scholarsportal.info/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.5683/SP2/PXF2CU
This Twitter dataset contains over 237 million tweet ids of tweets that mention COVID as a keyword. The dataset was gathered between March and July 2020.
52. Kaggle
Type: US Election 2020 dataset
Link: https://www.kaggle.com/radustoicescu/2020-united-states-presidential-election
The dataset contains tweets posted by the 2020 US Presidential Election’s Democratic Party Nominees. It also includes tweets posted by the current US President and the Vice-President.
53. Github
Type: Democratic Party tweets 2020
Link: https://github.com/echen102/us-pres-elections-2020
The dataset is a vast collection of tweet ids associated with the 2020 US elections. The data collection was started on May 20, 2019, and is updated every week. The dataset is released for non-commercial research use.
54. IEEE DataPort
Type: US Presidential Election 2020 dataset
Link: https://ieee-dataport.org/open-access/us-november-2020-election-tweets-dataset
This Twitter dataset includes US Presidential election 2020 related tweets. Specific hashtags and keywords related to #USAelection were used to collect data from the Democratic Party, Green Party, Libertarian Party, and Republican Party. It contains over 3.5 million tweets that were sent between 1st July 2020 – 12th August 2020.
55. Kaggle
Type: Natural Language Processing Dataset
Link: https://www.kaggle.com/c/nlp-getting-started/data
The dataset is an accumulation of tweets gathered for natural language processing. The data set was released as a challenge for data scientists looking to get started in Natural Language Processing.
56. Kaggle
Type: Pre-processed tweets
Link: https://www.kaggle.com/shashank1558/preprocessed-twitter-tweets
This Twitter dataset was accumulated to perform sentiment analysis. The dataset contains pre-processed tweets that have been categorized into positive, negative, and neutral categories. The categorization of tweets is done using emoticons.
57. Kaggle
Type: Miscellaneous
Link: https://www.kaggle.com/manovirat/aspect
The dataset was gathered to perform aspect-based sentiment analysis.
58. Github
Type: US Politicians Twitter dataset
Link: https://github.com/W43GVG/US-Politicians-Twitter-Dataset
The dataset contains tweets related to the Twitter usernames of US politicians.
59. Harvard Dataverse
Type: Ridgecrest Earthquake
Link: https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/NHQBJB
The dataset contains tweet ids accumulated in a five-minute time-span starting at the beginning of the 7.1 magnitudes Ridgecrest Earthquake.
60. Data.World
Type: Tweets of Congress
Link: https://data.world/socialmediadata/tweets-of-congress-june
Tweets of Congress is Alex Litel’s project which accumulates Congress’ daily Twitter output using an automated process that checks Twitter at fixed time intervals.
61. Data.World
Type: Twitter bot detection dataset
Link: https://data.world/drstevekramer/twitter-bot-cyborg-detection-for-manafort-cohen-debate
The dataset contains 1,489,051 tweets that mention the terms Manafort or Cohen. This dataset was collected in August 2018, by Paragon Science using the free public Twitter API.
62. Kaggle
Type: 2020 US Election Tweets
Link: https://www.kaggle.com/manchunhui/us-election-2020-tweets
The dataset contains tweets related to the 2020 US Presidential Election. The Twitter data was accumulated between 15th October-4th November 2020.
63. Kaggle
Type: 2019 Australian Election Tweets
Link: https://www.kaggle.com/taniaj/australian-election-2019-tweets
The dataset contains tweets related to the 2019 Australian Election. The dataset contains over 180,000 tweets accumulated using Twitter API between 10.05.2019-20.05.2019.
64. Kaggle
Type: Elon Musk Tweets
Link: https://www.kaggle.com/vidyapb/elon-musk-tweets-2015-to-2020
The dataset contains tweets posted by Elon Musk between 2015 to 2020. The tweets were gathered to identify topics that Tesla mostly tweets about. It was also used to analyze how the tweets influenced Tesla’s stock prices.
65. Mendeley Data
Type: Tweets related to #JeNeSuisPaCharlie
Link: https://data.mendeley.com/datasets/s8k6rywnk6/1
After a shooting attack by the self-proclaimed Islamist gunmen emerged the #JeSuisCharlie on Twitter to express their deepest condolences. Although, there was also #JeNeSuisPaCharlie explicitly countering the former hashtag. This dataset contains over 70,000 tweets related to the hashtag posted between 7th and 11th January 2015.
66. Rapid
Type: Tweets related to stocks
Link: https://rapidapi.com/f.frederico/api/financial-twitter-sentiment
The dataset contains tweets posted by users related to stocks (eg. appl). It was accumulated to perform sentiment analysis on tweets concerning the corresponding stocks.
67. Mendeley Data
Type: Bogota city traffic accident tweets
Link: https://data.mendeley.com/datasets/c2r6tk9hbg/1
The dataset contains over 4 million tweets related to Bogota city traffic accidents. The dataset was used in academic research of traffic accident detection and real-time traffic modeling.
68. Kaggle
Type- #JustDoIt Tweets
Link: https://www.kaggle.com/eliasdabbas/5000-justdoit-tweets-dataset
This Twitter data set contains over 5000 tweets related to Nike’s campaign hashtag #JustDoIt.
69. T4SA
Type- Sentiment Analysis Dataset
Link: http://www.t4sa.it/
The dataset contains over 3.4 million tweets and 4 million images scraped between July and December 2016. The dataset was compiled to train sentiment analysis models and the tweets are classified into positive, negative, and neutral categories.
70. Kaggle
Type- Tweets related to Australian cities
Link: https://www.kaggle.com/wjia26/australian-cities-tweets
The dataset contains tweets about Australian cities and was accumulated to perform sentiment analysis. The dataset was compiled between 12/07/2020 to 25/07/2020.
71. PushShift
Type- Collection of datasets
Link: http://files.pushshift.io/twitter/
This is a collection of Twitter datasets related to various topics. Some of those are hydroxychloroquine, coronavirus, US political tweets, etc.
72. Data.World
Type: Trump-related Tweets
Link: https://data.world/drstevekramer/trumpbotdetectionapril2018
This Twitter dataset contains over 9 million Trump-related tweets and was collected from April 12-24 2018. The tweets were posted by 1.6 million distinct Twitter users. It was accumulated to identify Twitter bots
73. Kaggle
Type: Pfizer & BioNTech Vaccine Tweets
Link: https://www.kaggle.com/gpreda/pfizer-vaccine-tweets
This dataset contains tweets related to the COVID-19 Pfizer and BioNTech vaccine.
74. Data.World
Type: Tweets Related to Nuclear Energy
Link: https://data.world/crowdflower/emotions-about-nuclear-energy
This Twitter data archive is a collection of tweets related to nuclear energy. It was accumulated to analyze the sentiments of users towards nuclear energy.
75. Kaggle
Type: Financial Market-related Tweets
Link: https://www.kaggle.com/davidwallach/financial-tweets
This data archive contains tweets from verified users related to stocks traded on the NYSE, NASDAQ, & SNP. It was used to construct sentiment profiles on publicly traded companies.
76. Datahub
Type: Annotated Tweets
Link: https://old.datahub.io/dataset/tweetskb
This Twitter data archive consists of 1.5 billion annotated tweets. The data was collected in a time span of almost 5 years between January 2013-November 2017.
77. Data.world
Type: Covid-19 Tweets
Link: https://data.world/rtekumalla1/a-twitter-dataset-of-100-million-tweets-related-to-covid-19
The Twitter archive contains over 100 million tweets related to COVID-19. It also offers a cleaned version of the data that excludes retweets and provides over 20 million unique tweets.
78. Kaggle
Type: Bitcoin-related Tweets
Link: https://www.kaggle.com/alaix14/bitcoin-tweets-20160101-to-20190329
The data archive contains tweets mentioning Bitcoin. The dataset was collected between January 2016 and March 2019.
79. Dataverse
Type: News Related Tweets
Link: https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/5XRZLH
This Twitter data set contains tweets that share new articles. It also contains tweets and news shared by United States’ major news outlets and associated sharing activities. It was compiled to highlight users’ involvement in the process of news dissemination.
80. Kaggle
Type: Stock Market-related Tweets
Link: https://www.kaggle.com/yash612/stockmarket-sentiment-dataset
This dataset consists of tweets that share news related to the stock market. The tweets are divided into two categories; Positive: 3,685 tweets and Negative: 2,106 tweets.
Type: Tweets Related to #BlackLivesMatter
Link: https://github.com/kmcelwee/fortune-100-blm-dataset
The dataset is a compilation of tweets from Fortune 100 companies posted between May 25th and July 25th 2020. All the tweets are related to the #BlackLivesMatter (BLM) movement. It was accumulated to analyze corporate responses in relation to the BLM movement.
82. Catalog
Type: Tweets Mentioning Diego Maradona
Link: https://catalog.docnow.io/datasets/20210102-diego-maradona/
The dataset contains 1,644,234 tweets that mention the Diego Maradona sent between November 18-30, 2020. He was a widely known Argentine professional footballer and manager who died on November 25, 2020. He was regarded as one of the greatest players in the history of the sport.
83. Archive.org
Type: Random Tweets Dataset
Link: https://archive.org/search.php?query=collection%3Atwitterstream&sort=-publicdate
The link contains multiple Twitter datasets that contain random tweets compiled through the Twitter stream API.
84. Catalog
Type: Tweets Containing the Keyword “solarwinds”.
Link: https://catalog.docnow.io/datasets/20201230-solarwinds/
This Twitter dataset contains 364,170 user ids for tweets mentioning the keyword “solarwinds”. The tweets were accumulated between December 10 and December 19, 2020.
85. Catalog
Type: BLM Movement-related Tweets
Link: https://catalog.docnow.io/datasets/blacklivesmatter-2013-2020
This Twitter data archive contains all available tweets related to the BLM (Black Lives Matter) movement. The dataset consists of 41.8 million tweets posted by 10 million users from the beginning of the BLM movement in 2013 to June 2020.
86. Dataverse
Type: Belarus 2020 Election Twitter Data
Link: https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/FOJPBT
The Twitter data is available in the Russian language and contains tweets related to the Belarus 2020 election.
87. Catalog
Type: #RBG Tweets
Link: https://catalog.docnow.io/datasets/20200925-rbg-tweets/
This Twitter archive contains 3,825,716 identifiers for tweets that mention the keyword RBG between September 10-September 22, 2020. RBG is actually the initials of Justice Ruth Bader, who died on September 18, 2020. The hashtag #RGB was actually created to celebrate her life.
88. Arxiv
Type: Level Stock Return Prediction Dataset
Link: https://arxiv.org/abs/2006.09723
The dataset contains tweets related to the stock market. It contains 862,231 tweets related to the stock market in English. It also offers a cleaned version of the dataset that comprises 85, 176 unique tweets. The dataset was accumulated to study the impact of public opinions and social events on the stock market.
89. Data.World
Type: Random Tweets
Link: https://data.world/data-society/twitter-user-data
This Twitter dataset contains random tweets. It contains 20,000 rows, each with a user name, a random tweet, account profile and image, and geographical location info.
90. Data.World
Type: Bitcoin Tweets
Link: https://data.world/mercal/btc-tweets-sentiment
This Twitter dataset contains raw tweets collected in a day and includes the keyword bitcoin. The tweets were originally compiled to analyze the public sentiment towards bitcoin.
91. Data.World
Type: ISIS Using Twitter
Link: https://data.world/data-society/how-isis-uses-twitter
The dataset is a collection of 17,000 tweets posted on Twitter by pro-ISIS fanboys, after the 2015 Paris attack. The tweets were gathered to develop effective counter-messaging measures against violent extremists.
92. Data.World
Type: Tweets with ‘metoo’ keyword
Link: https://data.world/rdeeds/350k-metoo-tweets
All the tweets in this dataset mention the keyword, ‘meetoo’. The Twitter dataset consists of tweets since October 2017.
93. IEEE DataPort
Type: COVID-19 Tweet Dataset
Link: https://ieee-dataport.org/open-access/coronavirus-covid-19-tweets-dataset
The dataset includes tweet-ids and sentiment scores for the tweets. It was compiled to analyze the sentiments expressed by users in relation to COVID-19. The dataset link also contains a geo-tagged version of the dataset.
94: IEEE DataPort
Type: Multilingual COVID-19 Tweets
Link: https://ieee-dataport.org/open-access/geocov19-dataset-hundreds-millions-multilingual-covid-19-tweets
This dataset contains over 524 million multi-lingual CIVID-19 related tweets that are geotagged. The dataset was extracted from over 218 countries and 47K cities. The extracted tweets were posted by 43 million Twitter users, including 209k verified accounts, and in 62 unique languages.
95. Github
Type: Covid-19 Dataset
Link: https://github.com/thepanacealab/covid19_twitter
The dataset contains over 1 billion tweets related to COVID-19. The dataset is part of an ongoing project and is updated frequently.
96. Github
Type: Congress Tweets
Link: https://alexlitel.github.io/congresstweets/
The dataset is a collection of congress tweets available for download in JSON format.
97. Zenodo
Type: COVID Mental Health and Symptom Dataset
Link: https://zenodo.org/record/4064043#.YHWPsOgzbIU
The dataset contains tweets of users expressing their mental health issues and symptoms. It was accumulated to study the procession of phycological health issues among users during the worldwide pandemic.
98. Data.World
Type: Twitter User Data
Link: https://data.world/data-society/twitter-user-data
This Twitter data set contains 20,000 rows of Twitter user data. The data consists of the user name, a random tweet, profile image, and location info.
99. Clarin
Type: Twitter Sentiment Dataset
Link: https://www.clarin.si/repository/xmlui/handle/11356/1054
The dataset contains over 1.6 million tweets in 15 European languages. The tweets are classified according to the sentiment expressed in each of those tweets. The dataset was prepared to train Twitter sentiment classifiers and to study the difference between language usage on Twitter.
100. Mendeley
Type: Twitter-based Traffic Information
Link: https://data.mendeley.com/datasets/c3xvj5snvv/1
The dataset contains traffic-related tweets that have been collected using the Twitter search API. The tweets are labeled and classified into three categories and they are, non-traffic, traffic incidents, and traffic conditions and information.
101. Kaggle
Type: Customer Support Tweets
Link: https://www.kaggle.com/thoughtvector/customer-support-on-twitter
Customer support for Twitter is a wide, modern tweet series that enhances innovation in the understanding and conversation of natural languages, and studies the effects and practices of modern customer support.
102. Kaggle
Type: Twitter Analytics Data
Link: https://www.kaggle.com/darkknight98/twitter-data
The dataset contains simple Twitter analytics data, including text, user information, confidence, profile dates etc.
103. Larc.edu
Type: Singapore Twitter Data
Link: https://larc.smu.edu.sg/twitter-cascade-dataset
This dataset contains a collection of information cascades created by Singapore Twitter users. It contains a total of 184,794 Twitter accounts. Then, from 1 April to 31 August 2012, tweets from these users are crawled. The dataset contains 32,479,134 tweets in total.
104. Stanford.edu
Type: Public tweets
Link: https://snap.stanford.edu/data/twitter7.html
467 million tweets were sent out by 20 million people during the course of seven months, from June 1 to December 31. It represents between 20 and 30 percent of all public tweets sent within the specified time period.
105. IEEE-Dataport
Type: Stock Market
Link: https://ieee-dataport.org/open-access/stock-market-tweets-data
Tweets about the stock market are collected in this database. A total of 943,672 tweets mentioning the S&P 500 (#SPX500), the top 25 S&P 500 businesses (#SPX500), and the Bloomberg tag (#stocks) were collected between April 9 and July 16, 2020.
106. Data.World
Type: Random public tweets
Link: https://data.world/data-society/twitter-user-data
The dataset has 20,000 rows, each containing a user name, a random tweet, an account profile, and photographs, as well as information about the person’s location.
107. Kaggle
Type: Tweets of Dutch users
Link: https://www.kaggle.com/panoskostakos/twitter-data-age-and-gender-prediction
Over 80K Twitter Dutch users are included in the anonymized dataset, this has 80 profile characteristics (including age and gender).
108. Dataverse
Type: Tweets of 20 most popular users
Link: https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?id=3047332
Data was collected by crawling Twitter’s REST API with the Python tool Tweepy. This dataset includes the tweets of the 20 most popular Twitter users (based on the number of followers) but ignores retweets.
109. Research.edu
Type: Twitter trending topics
Link: https://researchdata.edu.au/real-time-classification-trends-dataset/1307626
There are 1,036 trending topics in this comma-separated value file. Each hot topic’s tweets are collected in a separate tweets folder.
110. Kaggle
Type: Retweet Dataset
Link: https://www.kaggle.com/soroosharasteh/retweet
A collection of tweets and the replies to those tweets that express the most common sentiment. Automatically labeled responses to 34,953 different tweets with unique identifiers (1,519,504 total replies).
111: Datarade
Type: Random Tweets
Link: https://datarade.ai/data-products/best-twitter-data-scraper-extract-tweets
The dataset contains random tweets extracted from Twitter using Twitter data scrapers.
112: Data.World
Type: Tweets with #Data17
Link: https://data.world/markbradbourne/data-17-twitter-data
IFTTT was used to collect tweet data based on the hashtag #Data17. The research was held from September 19 to October 12 this year.
113: Data.World
Type: Tweets mentioning Claritin
Link: https://data.world/crowdflower/claritin-twitter
For the month of October 2012, this dataset contains all tweets mentioning Claritin. Negative sentiment, gender, and whether or not an undesirable occurrence is mentioned are all factors that are taken into account when tagging the tweets.
114: Kaggle
Type: Ukraine conflict Twitter dataset
Link: https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/bwandowando/ukraine-russian-crisis
This dataset contains tweets related to the Ukraine-Russia conflict.
115: Kaggle
Type: Squid game tweets
Link: https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/deepcontractor/squid-game-netflix-twitter-data
The Twitter dataset includes tweets related to the widely popular Netflix TV show the Squid Game.
116: Data.world
Type: 2015 Super Bowl (deflated football rumors)
Link: https://data.world/crowdflower/deflategate-sentiment
There was a lot of talk about deflated footballs and if the Patriots cheated before the 2015 Super Bowl. This dataset was compiled to analyze the sentiments of fans about the rumors.
117: Trec.nist
Type: Random tweets
Link: https://trec.nist.gov/data/tweets/
Microblog track participants at TREC 2011 were given access to approximately 16 million tweets from January 23rd through February 8th, 2011. Reusable, representative samples of the Twittersphere are incorporated into the corpus, which includes important and spam tweets.
For customized Twitter datasets requirement
There are instances when more specific Twitter datasets are required. This is where TrackMyHashtag comes in. It is an amazing tool that allows us to download a more targeted set of data to perform research or sentiment analysis. This is a paid platform, the prices start from just $30 and vary as per the required Twitter data set.
About TrackMyHashtag
Submit the request for your required Twitter datasets: Historical Twitter dataset request form
TrackMyHashtag is an amazing Twitter analytics tool that allows you to download customized Twitter datasets. It is an advanced AI-based tracking tool, that allows you to track historical as well as real-time Twitter datasets related to any hashtag/keyword/account. The features of TrackMyHashtag are-
1. Twitter dataset of any time period
2. Twitter datasets related to any hashtag, keyword, account, or search term
3. Geo-location based Twitter data
4. Language-based Twitter data
Following are the metadata present in TrackMyHashtag’s data-sheet of historical Twitter data sets,
- Tweet ID, URL, and posted time.
- Tweet content.
- Tweet type and Tweet source.
- Retweets and likes received.
- Tweet location and language.
- User ID, name, username, bio, profile URL, followers, following, and account creation date of the Twitter user who posted the tweet.
- Twitter account’s verification and protected status.
Data is essential for research, sentiment analysis, and various other academic purposes. I have included most of the free Twitter datasets that had working download links. Due to changes in the TOS of Twitter, it is becoming increasingly difficult to acquire this data however, all the links mentioned in this article are working as of writing this article. Happy mining!
Dushyant is an enthusiastic and quick learner in all fields who likes to gain experience, loves to write, and works on his creativity. He loves to explore new things and information and has the potential to spread knowledge across the world. He believes in teamwork and helping others and has a strong belief in learning from our own life experiences and exploring more through our mistakes as everyone has a story to create. His hobbies include sports, drawing, learning new things, and a deep interest in geopolitics.

Thanks so much! I’m still waiting on being approved to access the Twitter api, but I need data for my project asap. You’re a lifesaver!