Keeping in line with our commitment to publish a new list of top 10 Digital influencers every week, here we are again with our updated list.
All of the contact information along with their social links are mentioned below.
A table with the Twitter profile performance comparison is included at the end of this article. To directly go to the table, Click Here.
If you have any historical or real time Twitter data requirement related to any mention, hashtag, keyword or account, do give TrackMyHashtag a shot. I promise you that we won’t let you down!
Here goes this week’s list.
1: Reginald Chan

- Domain: Digital Marketing
- Twitter link: twitter.com/reginald_chan
- Facebook link: facebook.com/regi.nic
- Linkedin link: my.linkedin.com/in/reginaldchan
- Website: ReginaldChan.net
- Introduction: Reginald Chan is a professional blogger from Malaysia who also provides various courses related to SEO, social media marketing and how to effectively make money online.
2: Amy-Mae Turner

- Domain: Digital Marketing
- Twitter link: twitter.com/amymaeelliott
- Facebook link: facebook.com/amymae.elliott
- Linkedin link: uk.linkedin.com/in/amy-mae-turner-05406455
- Website: NA
- Introduction: Amy-Mae Turner is a freelance writer and has worked with Pocketlint as a news editor and with Mashable as a senior featured writer for more than a decade.
3: James Scherer

- Domain: Digital Marketing
- Twitter link: twitter.com/jdscherer
- Facebook link: NA
- Linkedin link: linkedin.com/in/james-scherer-94709830/
- Website: jdscherer.wordpress.com/
- Introduction: James Scherer is an inbound Digital Marketer and writer at GetCodeless. He specializes in lead generation and conversion marketing.
4: Shane Barker

- Domain: Digital Marketing
- Twitter link: twitter.com/shane_barker
- Facebook link: facebook.com/shane.barker.14
- Linkedin link: linkedin.com/in/shanebarker
- Website: shanebarker.com
- Introduction: Shane Barker is a Digital Marketer, strategist and consultant. He is an international keynote speaker and UCLA instructor. He is the founder and CEO of Shane barker consulting.
5: Krista Bunskoek

- Domain: Digital Marketing
- Twitter link: twitter.com/kbunskoek
- Facebook link: NA
- Linkedin link: linkedin.com/in/kbunskoek/
- Website: about.me/kristabunskoek
- Introduction: Krista Bunskoek is currently ESL instructor at CBAL. She has 15+ years of experience in marketing and public relations and 7 years in teaching experience.
6: Priit Kallas

- Domain: Digital Marketing
- Twitter link: twitter.com/dreamgrow
- Facebook link: facebook.com/priit.kallas
- Linkedin link: linkedin.com/in/priit/
- Website: dreamgrow.com
- Introduction: Priit Kallas is the founder and CEO of Dream grow digital, an internet marketing and social media company. He specializes in strategic planning, marketing, training and consulting.
7: Katrina Pfannkuch

- Domain: Digital Marketing
- Twitter link: twitter.com/creativekatrina
- Facebook link: NA
- Linkedin link: linkedin.com/in/katrinapfannkuch/
- Website: creativekatrina.com/
- Introduction: Katrina Pfannkuch is a creative content consultant and she currently runs her very own website creativekatrina.com. She specializes in creating tailored content for her clients and has been successfully doing so from the past 18 years.
8: Chuck Price

- Domain: Digital Marketing
- Twitter link: twitter.com/chuckprice518
- Facebook link: facebook.com/ChuckPrice518
- Linkedin link: linkedin.com/in/chuckprice518/
- Website: MeasurableSEO.com
- Introduction: Chuck Price is the founder of MeasurableSEO, a digital marketing agency. He specializes in increasing organic traffic, leads, conversions and revenue for businesses worldwide by leveraging the power of SEO.
9: Julia McCoy

- Domain: Digital Marketing
- Twitter link: twitter.com/JuliaEMcCoy
- Facebook link: facebook.com/juliaevangelinemccoy
- Linkedin link: linkedin.com/in/juliaemccoy/
- Website: expresswriters.com
- Introduction: Julia McCoy is currently the CEO of Express Writers, a website which provides high quality written content by US based for various blogs or websites.
10: Carlo Pacis

- Domain: Digital Marketing
- Twitter link: twitter.com/carlonathan
- Facebook link: facebook.com/rawrlo
- Linkedin link: linkedin.com/in/carlonathan/
- Website: wishpond.com
- Introduction: Carlo Pacis is an Ads and implementation strategist at wishpond. He specializes in creating optimized social media campaign which generate positive results for his clients.
Twitter profile overview of the influencers
This table categorically compares the Twitter profile of the influencers. You can get a brief idea about how active they are on Twitter. Statistics such as tweet reply percentage provide us with an idea of their activeness on Twitter.
Have a glance!
Influencers | Followers count | Original tweets | Replies count | Av. retweets per tweet | Av. retweets per day | Domain |
Reginald Chan twitter.com/randfish | 17,780 | 2048 (92.46%) | 81 (3.66%) | 0.74 | 0.14 | Digital Marketing |
Amy-Mae Turner twitter.com/randfish | 6,990 | 1344 (66.90%) | 487 (24.24%) | 0.38 | 0.05 | Digital Marketing |
James Scherer twitter.com/randfish | 2,910 | 2407 (75.22%) | 376 (11.75%) | 0.67 | 0.25 | Digital Marketing |
Shane Barker twitter.com/randfish | 28,760 | 3040 (95.00%) | 140 (4.38%) | 1.13 | 0.05 | Digital Marketing |
Krista Bunskoek twitter.com/randfish | 1,470 | 1618 (58.01%) | 807 (28.94%) | 0.13 | 0.20 | Digital Marketing |
Priit Kallas twitter.com/randfish | 9,410 | 3107 (97.09%) | 042 (1.31%) | 0.32 | 0.02 | Digital Marketing |
Katrina Pfannkuch twitter.com/randfish | 2,110 | 1960 (61.85%) | 109 (3.44%) | 0.19 | 0.65 | Digital Marketing |
Chuck Price twitter.com/randfish | 1,110 | 1838 (57.74%) | 130 (4.08%) | 0.03 | 0.77 | Digital Marketing |
Julia Mccoy twitter.com/randfish | 14,060 | 1666 (52.70%) | 648 (20.50%) | 1.01 | 0.57 | Digital Marketing |
Carlo Pacis twitter.com/randfish | 563 | 1755 (57.52%) | 834 (27.34%) | 0.22 | 0.12 | Digital Marketing |
This marks the end of this weeks article. We will be back with a new list next Monday. Do let us know in the comments which influencer do you follow and like the most amongst these 10 or the many others out there on Digital web.
Till then, stay tuned!

Thank you for including me in the list!
An awesome list to say, at the very least!
Thank you, Reginald!